Monthly Archives: August 2009


….is our theme this week on Sunday Postcard Art.  Well my fish are partnered by a little fisherman all dressed up in his souwester……

1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught A Fish Alive

Donna xx


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…. is the theme chosen for us by Cathy on Sunday Postcard Art this week.

Must admit its been a struggle for me to make anything over the last two or three weeks in fact the only things I have made have been the postcards for SPA, been going through a ‘what’s the point of it all?’ phase. Do you ever get sessions like that? 

Anyway think my mood might be changing because I actually enjoyed making my postcard this week, so much that I made two!  Both are collagedwith various bits of paper, images, stamps etc and then added some stamping, coloured pencil etc to finish them off.



Donna xx


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Glamour Girls

That’s the theme chosen for us by Terri this week on Sunday Postcard Art.  Found this picture of a glamourous and sultry looking Ava Gardner in an old 1950’s book I have aptly entitled ‘Glamour’ and thought it would be perfect to use. 

Scanned it and printed it out, attached it along with some odd bits of scrapbook paper to a postcard blank and then added some coloured pencil, bit osf stamping and a bit of embossing (unfortunately the subtle shimmer of the old gold embossing powder isn’t picked up in the scan).


Now I feel the urge for a sunday afternoon in front of the tv with a nice cup of tea watching old black and white movies!  As much as I love modern movies they really don’t make them like they used to!!

Donna xx


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Nursery Rhymes

That’s the theme this week on Sunday Postcard Art.  I did Humpty Dumpty for mine (image from Dover), when I was a child my mum made me a big Humpty Dumpty soft toy, it’s packed away somewhere in the loft now probably with a few moth holes by now!  I had fun with him at the time though 🙂


Donna xx


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Downloads for cardmakers

Recently been making some digital craft sheets for the following site…..


Not so much collage stuff but nevertheless worth a look.

Donna xx

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That’s our theme this week on Sunday Postcard Art.  Here’s my little bingo girl….


Donna xx


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